Booking mug for Richard J. "R.J." Vanecko.
Vanecko back in Chicago
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Staff Reporter
Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko is back in Chicago and has had his booking photo taken.
A copy of the mug shot was released late Saturday by the Chicago Police Department.
Vanecko, a nephew of former Mayor Richard M. Daley, turned himself in Friday afternoon at Cook County’s Leighton Criminal Courts Building at 26th and California, according to a law enforcement source. He was processed by the Cook County state’s attorney office, which listed his height and weight at 6-foot-3, 230 pounds — the same size he was when he allegedly struck David Koschman on April 25, 2004, causing his death.
Vanecko, who lives in Costa Mesa, Calif., according to the police, was charged Monday with involuntary manslaughter after a grand jury investigation led by Dan K. Webb, the special prosecutor appointed in April to reinvestigate the case. Vanecko is to make his first court appearance at his arraignment in Chicago on Monday.